FAQs and further information for users

What is the website for?

Catchphrase Photos is a website where people can upload photos that represent a catchphrase. It is intended to be fun (and free) place where photographers can test their creativity, try out new ideas, show off some of their best work.

Although not a stock photography website as such, registered users may also sell their photos – see under How might I sell my images?

Do I have to register as a member in order to use the website?

You will have to register if you want to upload a photo or suggest a catchphrase. Non-registered visitors can only search and view the site. Anyone can ‘like’ a photo.

Do I have to insert a catchphrase alongside my photo?

No. You can upload an image to the ‘Suggest a Catchphrase’ category in the hope that someone will suggest a catchphrase for you. Conversely, if you have a good catchphrase but can’t think of a photo to match, you can submit your idea to the ‘Catchphrase without photo’ category. Other users can then take up the challenge of creating a photo to match your catchphrase.

What happens if I don’t see a category for my catchphrase photo?

Suggest one and the team will take care of it. We suggest you upload your photo to the ‘Uncategorised’ section and we’ll sort it out from there.

Why are the photos watermarked?

The photos are watermarked to discourage people from downloading them without paying for them. Please note that we accept no responsibility if someone chooses to download the image, modify it or otherwise breach your copyright.

Do I have to be a good photographer?

No! Catchphrase Photos is more about creativity, fun and developing photography skills rather than technical ability.

Do I need expensive camera equipment?

No! Any photo in standard image formats will be accepted.

Are there any prizes for the ‘Most Liked’ photos?

There are no prizes, but members can enjoy seeing their images in the ‘Most Liked’ area on our homepage. They may also choose to post some of their best work in our Members’ Photo Gallery.

What is the Members’ Photo Gallery?

The idea behind this section is to provide a platform for aspiring photographers who don’t have anywhere else to display their best work. For that reason, photos uploaded here don’t have to be catchphrase ones. It can be any image you want to show off, get feedback on or possibly sell.

What is the ‘CATchphrases including a CAT’ category?

A lot of people like cats, so this category is for any photo or catchphrase that features our feline friends.

How might I sell my images?

This could happen in one of two ways:

1 – If someone signs up as a Premium Member, they can pay a monthly fee and can download one unwatermarked image (one per calendar month) from the website. At the end of each month, we calculate the number of downloads and the amount of income, and split the proceeds with the photographer(s) 70/30 (70% going to the photographer).

2 – If someone gets in touch and says they only want to buy one particular image, we will act as an intermediary and put them in touch with the photographer and the buyer and seller can arrange the sale between them. We would only ask that you keep us in mind for a small commission (ideally 30%)!


Further information for users

1. When registering, please consider creating a secure user name. See the following link for guidance: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/business/what-are-good-usernames-and-how-to-create-them

2. Only registered users can upload a photo, comment on other photos or suggest a catchphrase.

3. Registered users are advised not to upload or post anything offensive or inflammatory. Any such material will be deleted from the site by the Catchphrase Team and their decisions are final and non-negotiable. In certain circumstances, law enforcement agencies may be advised.

4. Registered users can upload photographs to a category of their choice. If a category is not selected, the team will select one or create a new one. Registered users can also suggest new categories.

5. Each registered user and individual visitor is allowed only one like per photograph. Users should not vote for their own photographs.

6. The ‘Most Liked’ catchphrase photographs, i.e. those receiving the highest overall number of likes’, will appear on the homepage. If several images receive the same number of ‘likes’, they will all appear, in random order, in this section.

7. Premium Membership is available, for £3.99 per month, for those wishing to download (unwatermarked) images from the website (one per calendar month). The profits from all sales are shared with the photographer on a 70/30 basis (70% goes to the photographer). Registered users interested in making a single or one-off purchase should contact admin@catchphrasephotos.com. We will then put them in touch with the photographer. We expect future iterations of this website to contain more automation in this respect.

8. We have been working to improve the functionality and usability of this website since it was first created on 12 March 2023. Please let us know if you have any comments or ideas on how we can improve it further.

9. If you choose to upload a photograph and we allow it to appear on the website, Catchphrase Photos Limited accepts no responsibility if someone later downloads the image, modifies it or otherwise breaches your copyright. We do watermark images and don’t allow ‘right clicks’ to try and protect the images.

10. Please only upload images in standard image formats and ensure that the file size is less than 8 MB. Note that all uploaded images will be watermarked with the Catchphrase Photos logo.

Updated 18 March 2024